The Gift That Pays My Rent

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Annual Confessions

It's that time of year again.  Time for me to confess all of my dastardly deeds of 2010.  Well actually i am a few years behind on them so here is a combined list.   Don't judge to harshly.

  1. I often times would put gum under tales at work on purpose
  2. I would steal a piece of hanger steak from almost every plate at Spencer's
  3. I went pee pee in the Hilton hot 4 times
  4. I would imitate almost every manager and supervisor i have ever had and perform for housekeeping
  5. I blamed my office fart on the new guy.
  6. I saved my Starbuck's cup for a week and only paid refill price
  7. I spent most of my Team Member of the Month money on Whiskey.
  8. I blew my nose on the bedspread of my Boyfriends roommate (he was an asshole)
  9. i got kind of rough during a session of Slug Bug
  10. When i was too lazy to do laundry i would throw away my socks and buy new ones
  11. When I was on Dance Your Ass Off i would pretend to forget something in the dance studio and go back in and fart.
  12. I smoked one cigarette every single Sunday when i was on DYAO.  I would tell the P.A. i was going to buy a magazine
  13. I grazed Janice Dickenson's boob on purpose
  14. I once went to one Wendy's and bought Chicken Nuggets then ate them on my way to another Wendy's to buy more, just to see if there was a difference.
  15. I dropped a baked potato on the floor at work and still served it to a Utah Jazz Player.
  16. .I went to an audition drunk....but still booked it
  17. I hate Jack Johnson
  18. I think Lady Ga Ga kind of looks like a banana slug.
  19. I farted in Kevin Anderson's Section (God I fart a lot maybe i should see a doctor about that)
  20. I told a bird who scared me to fuck off.
that all the that I can post on the internet